Phone: 951-551-4484
All Sessions by Appointment Only
Hours: 12noon – 7:00pm
Monday – Thursday

Services and Fees

All services provided are based on a 60 minute hour at a rate of $185 per hour. It is recommended that Individual Therapy consist of one hour sessions while Couples Counseling run an hour and a half (since it takes more time for two people to talk) and no less than an hour and a half for Family / Group Counseling. Affordability and time constraints are different for each client. During the first appointment, modifications to the default recommended attendance schedule need to be addressed. During that first session, we will determine who will be required for therapy (unit of treatment) and agree on time and fee for further sessions.

Reserving Your First Appointment

Our office is currently employing a system of reserving the first appointment for new clients. Due to the increased interest in psychotherapy following the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, appointment space available to new clients has been a coveted commodity. Our method to meter the limited time available each week is to require serious new clients to place a deposit to secure themselves a starting point for their therapy with Nanette. Lead time is typically about a week or two when our office is taking new clients. Deposits are placed via online submission through a secure connection to our merchant services provider.
Getting started is as simple as a phone call or email.


Nanette Sebourn LMFT offers services in regards to mental health, relationships, intimacy, PTSD, addiction, co-dependency, hypnotherapy & more. Unfortunately, these services are often not acknowledged as part of a path to encouraging a healthy individual. The services our office provides are often deemed as “Specialist” and as a result Nanette does not contract with any insurance providers. However, clients that maintain medical insurance under a PPO type insurance plan have the option to attend sessions with Nanette as an “out of network” provider. Clients attending sessions with Nanette can request a Superbill (a receipt for your insurance company) that can be submitted to your insurance provider to request reimbursement. With the reimbursement model our clients pay an upfront fee out of pocket & any money due to them from their insurance provider will be returned to them, either directly or through credits applied to their deductible. We find that our clients can maintain control over their finances using this model of insurance reimbursement.

Individual Therapy

When past events have impacted an individual in negative/unhealthy ways; feeling stuck, depressed or felling anxious can deteriorate one’s quality of life. Individual therapy looks into developmental, experiential and situational reasons for current issues. The object of Individual Therapy is aimed to not only change current behavior and feelings, but to educate the individual in a way that allows the individual to succeed on his or her own for the remainder of their lives. Weekly appointments conditioning of one hour sessions are necessary for optimal progress.

Couples Counseling

When a long term committed relationship losses passion, it feels like love has gone out of the relationship for one or perhaps both of the partners. Daily living becomes a struggle and fighting causes bitterness, distance and the desire to escape it all. Couples Counseling gives you the skills and knowledge that it takes to bring your relationship back to the way it felt in the beginning and to change the mistakes that have caused pain for both partners over the past life of the relationship. Weekly appointments are necessary for optimal sustained progress. An hour and a half is recommended for a couples session. Individuals within the couple are urged to attend a solo one hour session near the beginning of therapy to accommodate the therapist’s need to attain the history of each person in the relationship and to bring immediate help for the couple whether that be together or with additional support for one person to being stability back to the relationship.

Family / Group Counseling

Parents often find that raising a family has its own unique difficulties in the different stages of growth. In the early years it depletes energy, interferes with your sex life and causes arguments surrounding styles of parenting. In later years, a child may act differently than expected and cause disharmony among family members. Family / Group Counseling helps to restructure the family so that compassion, love and acceptance guide the family’s interpersonal relationships. Family / Group Counseling requires no less than an hour and a half. It is wise to spend two hours in the beginning of therapy to accommodate the therapist’s need to attain the history of the family and to bring immediate help for the members involved. Weekly appointments are required early on for optimal progress & to reinforce suggested behavioral changes.

Relationship Testing Workshop

In this 2 hour workshop, individuals take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test and learn about their four primary personality characteristics that shape preferences & influence them to do what they do, say what they say and act as they act. The self awareness that this testing provides helps individuals to know and accept themselves and understand the differences of others. When taken by two people in relationship (couples, parent/child, siblings, etc) it can prevent arguing, stop fights, and promote love and acceptance between the two individuals. This is highly recommended for Pre-Marital Therapy and with Couples Counseling. It can be very helpful with understanding adolescents as well. MBTI testing runs $150 per test administered in addition to the two regularly priced hour sessions needed to review the testing results and apply the findings to a custom tailored comparative analysis to improve the couple’s interpersonal connections.

Hypnosis Therapy

Hypnosis has become a popular idea to the general population because of its imagined ease of success and instant gratification. Unlike Hollywood’s depictions, Hypnosis Therapy is one method of helping a person to more readily contact the sub-conscious mind, where issues and conflicts begin. However, it is not usually what the general public understands it to be & often involves 2-3 hour long sessions to ready the person to accept help on the sub-consious level.